
Are you a Mossberg 940 JM PRO owner facing some frustrating issues with your shotgun? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top 5 common Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems that users encounter and provide quick solutions to help you get back to shooting smoothly in no time. So, grab your coffee and let’s dive into resolving these challenges together!

Top 5 Mossberg 940 JM PRO Problems & Solutions

The Mossberg 940 JM PRO is a popular choice among shotgun enthusiasts, but like any firearm, it can encounter some common issues. Let’s dive into the top 5 Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems you might face with your Mossberg 940 JM PRO and their quick solutions.

  1. Jamming Issues
  2. Feeding Problem
  3. Problem with the Safety Button
  4. Cycling Issue
  5. Issue with the Ejection

1. Jamming Issues & Its Solution

Experiencing jamming issues can be frustrating Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems. The last thing you want is for your firearm to fail when you need it the most. However, this Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems is not uncommon and can often be resolved with some simple troubleshooting.

One common reason for jamming could be due to improper cleaning or maintenance of the shotgun. Make sure to clean it regularly and lubricate moving parts to ensure smooth operation. Additionally, using low-quality or damaged ammunition can also lead to jams.

Another factor that may contribute to jamming is a weak recoil spring. Check the condition of the spring and replace it if necessary. Properly adjusting the gas system settings can also help prevent jams while cycling rounds.

If you continue to experience jamming after trying these solutions, consider seeking professional assistance from a gunsmith who can diagnose and fix any underlying issues causing the Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems.

2. Feeding Problem & Its Solution

One common Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems that owners may encounter is feeding problems. This can be frustrating when the shotgun fails to load rounds smoothly, impacting performance and potentially causing delays during shooting sessions.

To address feeding problems, start by ensuring that the ammunition being used is of high quality and suitable for the firearm. Cheap or incompatible ammo can lead to feeding issues. Next, check if the magazine tube is clean and free from any obstructions that could impede the smooth movement of rounds into the chamber.

Additionally, inspect the follower in the magazine tube to see if it’s functioning correctly. A faulty or worn-out follower can cause feeding problems. Regular maintenance and lubrication of moving parts can also help prevent issues related to feeding.

If these steps do not resolve the Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems, it might be best to consult with a gunsmith or reach out to Mossberg customer support for further assistance in diagnosing and fixing feeding issues promptly.

3. Problem With Safety Button & Its Solution

One common Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems some owners face is a problem with the safety button. This can be frustrating when you’re trying to ensure safe handling of your firearm. The solution might be simpler than you think – first, double-check that the safety button is properly engaged and not stuck in between positions.

If you find that the safety button is still causing issues, it could be due to dirt or debris obstructing its movement. In this case, a thorough cleaning of the mechanism may help resolve the issue. Use a gun cleaning kit to carefully disassemble and clean around the safety button area.

If after cleaning, the Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems persists, it might be worth contacting Mossberg’s customer service for further assistance. They may recommend servicing or replacing the safety mechanism altogether for optimal performance and peace of mind while using your Mossberg 940 JM PRO shotgun.

4. Cycling Issue & Its Solution

Experiencing cycling issues with your Mossberg 940 JM PRO can be frustrating during shooting sessions. One common Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems is the bolt not cycling smoothly, causing delays and affecting performance. This issue may result from insufficient lubrication or debris buildup in the action parts.

To solve this Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems, start by thoroughly cleaning and lubricating all moving parts of the shotgun. Make sure to remove any dirt, grime, or excess oil that could be hindering the cycling process. Additionally, check for any obstructions in the chamber or magazine tube that might be impeding smooth operation.

Another potential solution is to inspect the gas system for blockages or malfunctions. Ensure that all components are properly aligned and functioning correctly to facilitate proper cycling of rounds. Regular maintenance and attention to detail can help prevent cycling issues and keep your Mossberg 940 JM PRO running smoothly on the range.

5. Issue With Ejection & Its Solution

Having issues with ejection on your Mossberg 940 JM PRO can be frustrating, but there are solutions to help you overcome this challenge. One common Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems is spent casings not ejecting properly or getting stuck in the chamber. This can disrupt your shooting experience and slow you down during competitions or practice sessions.

One solution to this Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems is ensuring that the firearm is properly cleaned and lubricated. Buildup of dirt, debris, or lack of proper lubrication can cause ejection issues. Regular maintenance and cleaning can prevent these issues from occurring.

Another solution is checking the extractor for any damage or wear. The extractor plays a crucial role in ejecting spent casings efficiently. If it’s damaged or worn out, it may need to be replaced by a gunsmith.

Using high-quality ammunition that meets the manufacturer’s specifications can also improve ejection performance. Low-quality or improper ammunition may not generate enough force to eject casings reliably.

FAQs-Mossberg 940 JM PRO Problems

Q1. Can the Mossberg 940 JM PRO be easily customized?
Absolutely! The Mossberg 940 JM PRO is designed to be customizable, allowing you to personalize it according to your preferences. From adjustable stocks to extended magazine tubes, there are plenty of options available in the market.

Q2. Is the Mossberg 940 JM PRO suitable for competitive shooting?
Yes, indeed! This shotgun is specifically built for competition shooting with its fast cycling and reliable performance. Many professional shooters trust the Mossberg 940 JM PRO for its accuracy and durability on the field.

Q3. How can I improve the cycling of my Mossberg 940 JM PRO?
To enhance cycling performance, ensure proper maintenance by cleaning and lubricating regularly. Using high-quality ammunition also plays a crucial role in preventing cycling issues.

Q4. What accessories are recommended for the Mossberg 940 JM PRO?
Popular accessories include red dot sights, shell carriers, and choke tubes to optimize your shooting experience with this shotgun.

Q5. Does Mossberg offer a warranty on the 940 JM PRO model?
Mossberg provides a limited lifetime warranty on their firearms including the 940 JM PRO model against defects in material and workmanship ensuring peace of mind for buyers.


While the Mossberg 940 JM PRO is a reliable and popular shotgun choice for many shooters, it does come with its own set of Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems. However, with proper maintenance and quick solutions at hand, these issues can easily be resolved to ensure smooth shooting experiences.

By addressing jamming, feeding, safety button, cycling, and ejection problems proactively, you can enjoy using your Mossberg 940 JM PRO without any hiccups. Remember to always consult professional gunsmiths or Mossberg customer service if you encounter persistent Mossberg 940 JM PRO problems that cannot be solved with basic troubleshooting techniques. Happy shooting!


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